Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day Camp

I just finished up my first week of Day Camp.  We had 15 "Nature Explorers" this past week, ages 5-7. Nature Explorers was the theme for the week.  We learned about habitats: marshes, meadows, forests, and rivers, also learned about insects, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and etc. etc.  We had a pretty strict itinerary where we did something different every half hour. HA! We mostly played games because that's all they ever wanted to do (sharks and minnows was the most popular.)  We did a lot of crafts as well. I made this epic hop-scotch game. There were spaces where you had to put your hands down, lay your whole body down, balance your head, and what not.  Its funny watching such uncoordinated little people doing this. We also did a lot of hiking. Geez, might as well have been climbing a mountain according to some of these kids. I had to convince a kid at one point that I had the 'Fountain of Youth' water in my bottle (you know, from Pirates of the Caribbean.) I gave him a sip and he instantly reacted to my magic water and took off.
This week is "Outdoor Adventures I" with 11-14 years olds. Its gonna be a lot of fun. We'll be going tubing, canoeing, rock climbing, and other fun stuff. I hope its hotter on the days we go in the water. Last week I would bring a jacket cuz it was so cold in the mornings.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're enjoying this summer job much more than your last one! sounds like you're having fun! and it cracks me up how good you are with kids. i swear every little kid loves you, and i'm pretty sure it's because you don't treat them like they're little kids haha. love it!
