Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jou Jou

While I was in Utah, Caitlyn and I drove down to Salt Lake City to see where her brother works. He's a graphic designer, a field I'm interested in. It was surreal in a way to see this office full of artists with work spaces and designs on the walls and realizing this wasn't a classroom but the real deal. I can only hope I will get a job like this when I graduate. Anyways, this company, Struck, designed a toy store at the Grand America Hotel in down town Salt Lake. It was a very unique toy store and really awesome.

Paper Robots

Made of cardboard slices. I did a project last semester similar to this and I can only grasp just how long it must of took to put this dragon together.

Build-A-Bear or Build-A-Robot? My tomboy childhood chooses ROBOT

Caitlyn, Chelsea, and baby Chloe enjoying the books and games corner

Kids dressing room. Ridiculously awesome, right?

These balloon crafts are usually moving along that track on the ceiling. Unfortunately it wasn't working that day.
Reminds me of James Christensen artwork

Rolled up magazine/newspaper materialized dog

another magazine/newspapered dog
 These next 5 photos were showcases outside the store...

Panoramic of the store

(It's a little distorted because it's a vertical pano.)

It wouldn't be a kids store without candy.

This here is the MONSTER WALL. A family friend, Destin Cox, made these monsters. And they all move in their picture frame. I took a few continuous photos of some of the monsters so you can see their motions...

1 comment:

  1. I was the guy who designed and fabricated the cardboard dragon. Putting the pieces together was the fun/easy part. Numbering, cutting and sorting out the pieces prior to gluing them together, now THAT was the real challenge...
