Saturday, November 5, 2011

It's All About Riley

Dewey came for a visit the other day. We've known Dewey for years, back when we had Josie.  He lives in another neighborhood but escapes a lot. He would come play with Josie and our neighbor's dog Princess all the time. Unfortunately our neighbor has moved away with his dog and Josie has passed. But we have a new playmate! Its kinda funny. Before, Josie could never keep up with Dewey and Princess because she was too old and too fat.  Now we have this limber, young dog to play with them - but Dewey and Princess are now too old and too fat. What is this, opposite day!
This picture just explains everything. All Riley did was bark and Dewey just didn't care for it (neither do the neighbors). I think Dewey keeps coming back for treats from me, not to play with this chatter box.

Walkies at Valley Gardens. It was difficult to have her sit still. Phone cameras aren't the best at capturing movement.

I took her for a walk at a secluded area. Its our little secret where at.

Very pretty area. Its easier to get around during the summer cuz you just walk through the water when the trail gets blocked. I had to walk across a wet log over water with Riley pulling me. It was a miracle I stayed dry. We really need to work on loose leash walking because I'm ready to kill her if she doesn't stop pulling me everywhere!

This was today at Winterthur. Today was the county's XC meet. It was so much fun. I wish I kept up with my running. But I have started up again. I ran 2 miles today and hope to keep stacking up the miles. My goal is to run the 5K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day.

Its getting cold outside. We actually had snow last weekend. In October! Riley has low tolerance for cold. She's seriously like a heat seeking missile. If your just sitting on the couch watching tv and decide to get up and get something. When you come back Riley always takes your warm spot. And during the warmer days, Riley always slept in her bed in my room. Now she insists on sleeping with me on my little bed. She does make an excellent heating source but I often wake up in the middle of the night on the edge of my bed because Riley somehow pushes me to the side. She's a 1/4 of my size but insists on taking 3/4s of the bed. Jerk.
So, not much happening in my life other than school. I'll post some of my artwork from this semester up soon. I honestly can't wait till the end of this semester - I've got some serious senioritis goin on.

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