Another cold day at Jack Frost Boulder. But of course its always worth it!
Lets go Flyers!!
Nick Mcilwain
Save the TATA's
For a second I thought a bunch of naked men jumped out of that box
Gotta love those sleds with the inside jokes to the show
Kathy admiring the sled dedicated to her "box"
The epic Tiki Bar: 1st Place sled
Cardboard, glue, tape, string, paper
50 man team
My boys! Preston and Steve! What can I say, they're our local celebrities. Its always exciting to see them in person
And I was so CLOSE to getting my picture takin with STEVE. But as I was yelling out to him he was walking away. God Damnit!! I'll get him next time.
Do you really think anyone goes down the slopes in those flimsy sleds sober?
And the ever fabulous Pierre Robert. Always so easy to spot in a crowd.
No sled injuries this year. Too bad, those are always the best. Especially when it involves a radio host like last year. You live to see another cardboard classic my man
some vids (watch them in HQ)
Casey (and I think Nick) aboard the Price is Right sled